Does coffee improves concentration?
Yes. Scientific studies have shown that caffeine improves concentration, strengthens the intellectual performance and makes easier the stress periods.
Why coffee improves concentration?
Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors and thus increases the activity of the central nervous system. The digestive system absorbs caffeine quickly and it starts working only 20 minutes after ingestion; its effects can last several hours.
Coffee helps overcome sleepiness after lunch and concentrate better on extensive meetings?
Yes, these positive effects have been demonstrated by different studies. The body experiences what is called "circadian rhythm" or biological rhythm, physiological changes that occur throughout the day. This cycle has ups and downs during the day, one of the lowest moments is the afternoon, after lunch, though it has nothing to do with food intake. Scientific studies show that the effects of caffeine counteract sleepiness such as that caused by the common cold and exhausted themselves from situations that require long periods of attention.
It is true that coffee contains antioxidants?
Yes. Coffee contains antioxidants under polyphenolic compounds, caffeine and other compounds derived from roasted coffee beans. The maximum antioxidant capacity is in the mildly roasted coffee. Caffeine has the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation caused by hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen and peroxides, making it a powerful antioxidant including ascorbic acid above.
Is it true that coffee has more antioxidant power than other commonly consumed beverages?
Yes. Comparative scientific studies show that coffee contains more antioxidants than apple juice and orange, red wine, black tea and green tea. Although tea has higher concentration of antioxidants in their natural state, being prepared infusion liquefy them much more than in the coffee infusion.
Does the coffee antioxidant capacity can prevent disease?
Epidemiological studies in the last decade coffee consumption associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, liver damage and Parkinson's disease. Are not known with certainty the mechanisms that could explain these observations.
Why we can say that coffee is a natural drink?
Undoubtedly, coffee is a natural drink as infusion is prepared from the seeds of the fruit of the duly processed and roasted coffee trees. The coffee tree is a tropical shrub that grows in areas of moderate humidity. There are many species, however only grown Arabica and Robusta. Arabica produces a fine and aromatic coffee. The Robusta, lower priced, produces a drink rich in caffeine, more biting, usually used for the manufacture of soluble or instant coffee.
Coffee cherries are harvested ripe, and are subjected to processing by dry process, which is sun drying or wet, to separate and get the coffee beans, which are classified, polished and packaged. Then the coffee is roasted at temperatures between 200 and 250 ° C.
Are there health risks in coffee consumption?
For healthy adults who consume moderate amounts of coffee, three cups per day, no evidence of the benefits of coffee and little evidence of potential risks.